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Coverage Includes
Customized and legally-reviewed Professional Will based on comprehensive consultation
Free password manager
TheraClosure clinician as your professional executor
Change website, voicemail, and email to provide your TheraClosure clinician as the point of contact
Personalized notice by phone to active psychotherapy patients/clients
Assist active clients with referrals
TheraClosure clinician will take responsibility for securing medical records of current and past clients*
Provide written notice to past patients about the change in custody of their records
Assist in completion of current billing cycle, to facilitate collection of fees for your estate
Take the steps necessary to complete the closing of your practice, including notification of licensure board
*Yearly fee does not include cost of digitizing paper records, if you choose to do so.
TheraClosure Coverage
+ $200 set-up fee
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Why Choose TheraClosure Services?